
INWA 因未是一个从内容出发的创新型设计机构,以文化和艺术为创作原动力,以创意和设计激发更大的价值潜力,打破学科界限,探索有温度、有趣味的当代设计传达。

INWA Design 因未设计擅长视觉传达、新媒体、展示空间设计及策划,为品牌、展览、活动等提供策略和设计服务。INWA Design 以创新设计与战略思维进入项目,以国际化水准创作项目,以专业化服务落地项目。

INWA Lab 因未设计实验室是专注于观念、创新的实验室,尤其专注于新媒体交互技术,与各学科设计师、艺术家、技术开发者,共同研发具有先锋实验性的沉浸互动设计体验。会不定期推出独立策划展览、交流活动、创意产品等,激发跨国界地域、跨专业学科的对话合作。

INWA Design  INWA Lab,设计实践与设计实验相互并行、互相启发,以批判性设计思维、深度内容挖掘转换,介入委托和自主设计项目。热爱生命,拥抱变化,真实面对当下,真诚回应未来。

INWA 因未的核心创作团队,均来自海内外专业设计院校,他们是以专业为信仰、不墨守、不极端的资深创作者,他们与知众多知名品牌机构保持长期稳定的合作,拥有跨学科、跨地域合作的优势资源。



INWA is an innovative design institution that begins with content and is driven by culture and art. INWA uses innovation and design to inspire greater potential value, to break boundaries between disciplines, and to explore accessible and interesting contemporary design. 

INWA Design excels at visual communication, new media, exhibition planning and design, providing strategy and design services for the brand, exhibition and event. Through innovative design and strategic thinking, INWA Design creates professionally-implemented projects of an international caliber.

INWA Lab focuses on concept and innovation, particularly interactive new media technologies. Together with designer, artist, tech developers from various disciplines, INWA Lab studies new, experimental, immersive, and interactive design experiences. INWA Lab also holds periodic discussion exhibition, events and creative products that inspire dialogue and cooperation across countries, regions, and disciplines. 

In INWA Design and INWA Lab, the practice of design and experimentation with design run parallel to one another and inspire one another, bringing critical design ideas and deeper content transformations into commissioned and self-directed design projects. They love life, embrace change, truly confront the present, and sincerely respond to the future. 

INWA’s core creative team graduated from design academies in China and overseas. They are experienced creators who believe in professionalism over conservatism or extremism. They have maintained long and stable relationships with many well-known brands, and their networks facilitate collaborations across regions and disciplines.



INWA Design 因未设计的服务涵盖商业和文化两大领域,内容包括:

品牌 / 品牌策略与形象设计、品牌活动策划与设计、品牌网站

多媒体 / 品牌视频设计与制作、多媒体视觉可视化设计、新媒体交互与体验设计、影像与灯光艺术

IP / IP形象设计、动画及表情设计、IP主题海报与主题插画设计

展览展示 / 展览策划与空间设计、展览视觉设计

导示 / 导示系统设计

书籍 / 品牌画册、书籍设计

产品 / 产品造型设计、品牌衍生品设计与开发

包装 / 产品包装设计



INWA’s services cover the commercial and cultural spheres. 

Brand Identity / Strategy and DesignBrand Identity Systems)、Brand Event ProductionsWeb Design
Multimedia / Branding Motion
Multimedia VisualizationInteraction and Experience DesignLighting and Digital Arts
IP / IP Design
Animation and Expression DesignIP Poster and Illustration
Exhibition / Exhibition Planning and Design
Exhibition Visual Design
Signage / Brand Signage Systems
Book / Branding Company Brochure
Book Design
Product / Product Design
Branding Souvenir Design
Packaging / Packaging Design