囍市/隆福之春 电子音乐派对 XI FESTIVAL 2021

囍市/隆福之春 电子音乐派对 XI FESTIVAL 2021

「囍」隆福之春·电子音乐派对,是UID Works策划的北京电子音乐圈的首次浩大规模的集体发声,第一次亮相于隆福寺文化中心顶层。



"囍" Spring of LONFUSI is a Beijing Electronic Music Festival organized by UID Works, and its debut was on the top floor of the Cultural Center of Longfu Building.

The decorative symbol of "囍" (xi) is made up of two Chinese "喜" (xi) characters representing happiness and is one of the most artistically interpreted Chinese characters and auspicious motifs in history. We made a contemporary design of 100 '囍' symbols to perpetuate our cultural heritage. As part of our project, we created a set of walk-in lighting installations that featured "囍" symbols.