济宁市美术馆是山东省济宁市文化中心四大场馆之一,是著名建筑师西泽立卫在中国设计落地的第一所美术馆,被 designboom 评选为“2019年全球最受瞩目十座博物馆建筑”之一。美术馆方非常尊重建筑师的意见,我们设计的logo是发到日本给西泽立卫认可后,才做的最终确认。



Logo Motion/通过流动曲线和垂直线条(代表柱子)的浮现、消融,传递建筑和品牌的形象认知。

Jining Art Museum is one of the four major venues of Jining City Cultural Center in Shandong Province. It is the first art museum designed by famous architect Nishizawa Ryue in China, and was named "Top Ten Most Attention Architecture of Museums in the World in 2019" by designboom. The museum respects the opinions of the architects very much and even the logo we designed was sent to Japan for approval by Nishizawa Ryue before final confirmation.

Branding Visual System / Starting from the lotus leaf freely rolling roof of the museum, combining the landscapes of Jining Liangshan, Grand Canal and Weishan Lake, it extracts organic and smooth hyperbola to shape the light texture of brand visual graphics.

Branding Typography System / We convert a large number of slender columns in the building into vertical strokes. The overall shape of the word mark is horizontal, which is also taken from the single-layer horizontal posture of the building, and from this, a set of brand application standard word system is derived.

Logo Motion/The vertical lines appear and disappear amidst the curved lines in the moving logo, representing the architect’s structural system in the space.