蚂蚁森林农产品包装 Package of Ant Forest Mushroom&Agaric

蚂蚁森林农产品包装 Package of Ant Forest Mushroom&Agaric


Wang Qing Fungus and Meili Shanzhen are products of the ecological poverty alleviation practice launched by Alipay. Through the establishment of ant forest protected areas, 500 million users participate in the protection of Siberian tigers and Yunnan golden monkeys, while bringing out the good products in the mountains to increase the income of the villagers.

The packaging design of Wang Qing Fungus and Meili Shanzhen conveys the intuitive experience of high-quality agricultural products through design language such as corrugated paper, product regional geographic contours, product and cherished and protected animal illustrations. The design avoids excessive packaging and reduces costs.

After consumers received the agricultural products, they have responded that they liked the packaging of the products. The design intentions and detailed information about nature reserves and related products can help understand more stories about the people and land behind the products.