万科博物馆展览 Exhibition for Documenta Vanke

万科博物馆展览(合作) Exhibition for Documenta Vanke (cooperation)

展览空间分为四个主题: 历史馆,档案室,万科+和未来馆,每个主题对应不同的空间设计。 这次万科博物馆的改造, 和其它传统企业馆的设计手法不一样。第一,强调以人为核心的展览,所有的展示是以万科人的故事串联,而不只关注荣誉。另一点就是展示方法的再思考,如何结合事件、时间和人来组织空间,我们认为展品不是一个平面的死物,它们可以更立体和互动的出现在参观者面前,让观众去认识万科的过去与未来。

Documenta Vanke opened to the public for the first time on the 30th anniversary of Vanke in 2014, with an area of ​​approximately 1,700 square meters. We participated in optimizing the design of the exhibition space on the original basis, and strengthened its exhibition characteristics that emphasized documents and stories. The project was commissioned by Diameter Narrative Design. The chief curator is Li Degeng. We participated in the exhibition's space installation, plane furnishings, and exhibition landing.
The exhibition space is divided into four themes: History Museum, Archives, Vanke+ and Future Pavilion. Each theme corresponds to a different space design. The renovation of Documenta Vanke is different from other traditional corporate pavilions. It emphasizes people-centered exhibitions. All exhibitions are based on the stories of Vanke people, not just about honor. Another point is to rethink the display method, how to organize the space by combining events, time and people. We believe that the exhibits are not just some objects. They can appear in front of the visitors more three-dimensionally and interactively, allowing the audience to understand Vanke’s history and future.




与直径叙事设计合作/Cooperation with Diameter Narrative Design