再生历程展 A Journey of Rebirth Exhibition

再生历程展 A Journey of Rebirth Exhibition

“再生历程:由工业区到创意文化园区”展览是联合一石文化史建,共同策划并全程设计落地的关于深圳华侨城创意园北区开园活动的第一个核心展览。整个展览以“红”色为视觉线索,串联华侨城东部工业区演化为创意园区的编年史。我们实地挖掘大量历史资料、实物作为展品,转化为在B10空间的以装置、互动体验、视频、研究文献等为核心的展示体验。这些也是后续“升级策略:OCT-Loft 概念设计国际邀请展”展的序笔。展览策划过程中意外收获并改造为红色的机器装置,在展览结束后,从B10空间移到创意园户外入口和关键流线节点,现已成为该区域的历史见证,并深受参观者的喜爱。

The exhibition "A Journey of Rebirth: From Industrial Zone to Creative Culture Park" is the first exhibition about the opening activities of the North part of OCT-Loft which is co-planned with the curator Shi Jian. We uses the RED color as the visual clue, connecting the chronicle of the evolution of the Eastern Industrial Zone of OCT into a creative park. We have excavated a large amount of historical materials and physical objects as exhibits on the spot, and transformed them into a display experience centered on installations, interactive experiences, videos, documents, etc. These are also the prelude to the follow-up "Upgrade Strategy: International Invitational Exhibition on OCT-Loft Concept Design". The unexpected harvest during the exhibition planning process and transformed into a red mechanical device. After the exhibition, it has moved from the B10 space to the outdoor entrance and main road of OCT-Loft. It has become a historical witness of this area and is deeply loved by visitors.

此项目侯颖在wx-design期间主导完成的项目 / This project was completed by Ying Hou as the Art Director during woring at wx-design.