盈投2018礼品 Yinno Gift

盈投2018礼品 Yinno Gift


Aya是来自于一个盈投未来之城塘朗山上一只野山猪。Aya的名字来自人们看到惊喜时的感叹“Aya!”。在Aya山猪本命年即将到来之即,我们以“Aya过大年”为主题,开发了一套红红火火的新年礼品,包括“Aya!福”、 “Aya!红包”、 “Aya!日历”等。Aya除了本色出演吃货以外,还客串了飞行员、魔术师、杂技演员等不同角色,带来了满满一盒的惊喜“Aya”!

Yinno Land is a creative real estate company. As its brand consultant and design, we propose a communication strategy with the mascot Aya as the brand spokesperson.

Aya is a wild boar from Tanglang Mountain. Aya's name comes from the exclamation "Aya!" when people see something in a surprise. As the birth year of the Aya mountain pig is approaching, we have developed a set of prosperous New Year gifts with the theme of "Aya & the New Year", including "Aya! Fu", "Aya! Red envelopes", "Aya! Calendar", etc. . In addition to his true character as a foodie, Aya also appeared in different roles such as pilots, magicians, and acrobats, bringing a box full of surprises "Aya"!