安吉尔吉祥物 BIBO & BLU Mascot

安吉尔吉祥物 BIBO & BLU Mascot

安吉尔品牌是高端净饮水的龙头品牌。为了在净水器的市场推广中,能够更加生动和有趣味的传递安吉尔的产品,我们为品牌创作了吉祥物“Bibo & Blu”。我们赋予了吉祥物生动的个性和一系列故事,创作了在产品服务终端使用的动态表情,绘制了以“Bibo & Blu”为主角的品牌系列推广海报,制作了相关衍生品等。


Angel brand is the leading brand of high-end clean drinking water. In order to convey Angel's products more vividly and interestingly in the market promotion of water purifiers, we created the mascot "Bibo & Blu" for the brand. We give the mascot a vivid personality and a series of stories, created dynamic expressions used in the product service terminal, drew a series of brand promotion posters with "Bibo & Blu" as the protagonist, and produced related derivatives.

It is proved that the joining of the two little guys - Bibo and Blu, has weakened the public's impression of the brand's black high-coldness, and makes the brand more affinity and warmth in the marketing.