ATEC-2017 主题视频 Branding Motion of ATEC

ATEC-2017 主题视频 Branding Motion of ATEC

ATEC大会(Ant Technology Exploration Conference)是蚂蚁集团面向全球合作伙伴的前沿技术探索大会,是云栖大会的重要组成之一。

大会的主题视频,将ATEC品牌视觉动态化,以二维动画的方式,把蚂蚁集团的愿景“为世界带来更多平等的机会”转化为生动流畅的动态语言。视频从“What keeps humankind moving forward”的宏观视觉出发,逐层递进,通过对脚本各细节场景的动态串联转场,收尾于大屏幕渐变,带出“为世界带来更多平等的机会”的核心愿景。现场效果简洁大气,极具视觉冲击力和感染力。

ATEC Conference (Ant Technology Exploration Conference) is Ant Group's leading technology exploration conference for global partners, which is one of the important components of the Apsara Conference.

The theme video of the conference dynamized the ATEC brand visually and transformed the Ant Group's brand vision of "To bring the world equal opportunities" into vivid and smooth dynamic language in the form of two-dimensional animation. The video starts from the macro vision of "What keeps humankind moving forward" and progresses layer by layer. Through the dynamic series transition of the detailed scenes of the script, it ends with the gradual change of the big screen, bringing out "To bring the world equal opportunities". The motion has won praise from the guests and all parties on site.