ATEC-2018 品牌形象 Branding of ATEC

ATEC-2018 品牌形象 Branding of ATEC

ATEC大会(Ant Technology Exploration Conference)是蚂蚁集团面向全球合作伙伴的前沿技术探索大会,是云栖大会的重要组成之一。

ATEC Conference (Ant Technology Exploration Conference) is Ant Group’s leading technology exploration conference for global partners, which is one of the important components of the Apsara Conference.
The visual design of the brand is inspired by the “String Theory” of physics. The inner edge of core graphic – circular has multiple curved surfaces due to the vibration of the string, which is from the most basic unit of all matter in the String Theory -“Energy String”. In this way, we express the concept of Ant Group and ATEC Conference – to bring more equal opportunities to the world with the help of science and technology.
In terms of color, blue is mainly used to express the sense of technology, and a little pink is added to convey the concept of “Warm Technology”.
We also visualized the five key words of the ATEC conference to make the visual tone of the conference's sense of science and technology more unified. We visualized and dynamically disseminated the five keywords of the ATEC conference to make the visual of science and technology more unified.