盈投吉祥物 AYA! Mascot OF YINNO

盈投吉祥物 AYA! Mascot OF YINNO


Yinno Land is a creative real estate company, and "City of Tomorrow" is the core operation project. As the brand design consultant for Yinno Land, we proposed the strategy of brand communication with the mascot IP, and created Aya and several communication designs.
Aya comes from a wild boar on Tanglang Mountain in Yinno area. Aya's name comes from the exclamation "Aya!" when people see something in a surprise. We give Aya a more vivid personality. For example, it has the mantra "aya!", its desire is to make friends with humans, it has the quirk of losing its mind when it encounters a watermelon, and so on.
Based on Aya's character, in daily promotion, we create Aya's 24 solar terms. Aya incarnates as a nature conservationist, artist, super foodie, etc., climbs high, fishes for the moon, and sticks to the autumn fat with his good partners in the Tanglang Mountain Nature Reserve, including leopard cats, praying mantis, jade rabbits, and mountain monkeys. The humanistic and creative genes of the Yinno brand are visually and interestingly output, allowing the public to know Aya, and shaping and strengthening the brand's creative value and social awareness.